Who are we ?

The all-in-one
solution that makes it easy to integrate cryptos
into your commercial strategy

with Ridime

Innovate with Ridime's "crypto cashback" promotions and stay one step ahead!

The Ridime team with you

Our Mission

The ever-increasing popularity of crypto-currencies appeared to us as an opportunity to shake up the codes and imagine a new commercial approach towards consumers. It is with this in mind that Ridime has developed, in order to offer a tailor-made solution to professionals and allow you to offer attractive commercial activities to consumers. With the ultimate goal of increasing sales and customer loyalty.

The Ridime team is passionate about Retail

" A need for innovation "

"Before joining the Ridime team, I forged my experience in the FMCG sector during the years spent in Belgium and Switzerland within a famous multinational. The skills acquired while passing through various international sales, marketing and finance roles have allowed me to better understand not only consumer desires, but also the needs and challenges of retail professionals.
Then, like many of us, I I was also interested in the world of crypto-currencies and Ridime naturally imposed itself as the perfect link to meet a need for innovation in the field of Retail " - Vincent Vinamont

Vincent Vinamont
Founder & Sales

" Objective : the excellence "

"Certified Blockchain and Google UX Design, I bring my development experience to this crypto project. We designed the Ridime platform with Vincent to allow brands to offer crypto gifts by completely freeing themselves from the technological difficulty linked to cryptos. We wanted an ultra-simple UX to help drive crypto adoption for newbies. Ridime is an ambitious user-centric project to simplify the crypto experience." - Alexandre Fabretti

Alexandre Fabretti

"Reinventing marketing approaches"

"With 20 years of experience in communication and digital marketing, I decided to bring my know-how to the Ridime team to support its growth and develop the brand's online presence. We We're at a turning point in mainstream crypto adoption. Like the internet in the 2000s, blockchain is a shift businesses need to make smartly to stay in the game. Ridime brings promise strong in its market: bringing retail and consumer goods players into the world of tomorrow thanks to crypto innovation. This vision is in perfect harmony with mine: in a world where everything is going very fast, you have to s adapt, learn and reinvent marketing approaches." - Marina Benkirane

Marina Benkirane

These companies that have already integrated cryptos into their strategy

They did it. Why not you ?

Many multinationals have already integrated cryptos into their marketing, in internal development.
The Ridime solution allows you to outsource this service and saves you significant development time and costs.