installez le plugin Ridime pour WordPress pour votre solution ecommerce woocommerce

Ridime Plugin
for WordPress

The Ridime plugin for WordPress allows you to earn crypto coupons to your consumers through the Woo commerce ecommerce extension.

The Ridime plugin for WordPress is aimed at E-shops and allows online stores to offer cryptocurrencies in order to thank customers for their purchases and build loyalty. It is an innovative and easy-to-use solution for businesses that want to provide a more engaging online shopping experience to their customers.

Merchants can customize the amounts of cryptocurrencies offered, as well as the eligibility conditions to receive them. For example, they may offer a fixed amount to be converted into Bitcoin for any shopping cart over a certain amount, or only on certain selected product categories. The Ridime plugin is easy to install and configure, and it offers a user-friendly dashboard for managing real-time cryptocurrency rewards.

In short, it is a simple and effective solution to offer cryptocurrencies to online customers, improving the shopping experience and customer retention.

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1.  Register on and create your first campaign. 
  2.  Get your API key automatically created in your brand name.
  3.  Download the WordPress plugin and install it on your Woocommerce.
  4.  Download the documentation for step-by-step instructions.